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If your student wants to share, please email me a photo!



Here is a pdf of numbers to 10 with ideas to practice number recognition. If you do not have a printer, you could make your own number flashcards or use a deck of cards. If numbers to 10 are solidified, try 11-20. In kindergarten it would be considered "extending" to know the numbers above 10 really well. 






Here is a video of a read aloud and an I Spy at the end. You can make your own I Spy, too - or just watch the one I made. You might want to pause the video after I say what we are looking for. 

I spy....


3 keys
something to help me see
1 Easter egg
something with a rainbow 
a dollar sign
2 things that I can write with
the number 2
3 animals
a home for a sea snail
4 clips, 
the letter M
something that starts with the letter c (hint: it's lit up, but it's fake!)
a purple flower
a secret message

If you do try this challenge, send me a picture with your I spy and the clues! I will share it on our website for your friends to play.

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